Moving to the center

Mitt Romney, who needs to convince moderate swing voters that he’s not in fact a wingnut but has merely been playing one on TV, will give the commencement address at Liberty University, Jerry Falwell’s fundamentalist madrassa.

Mitt Romney, who needs to convince moderate swing voters that he’s not in fact a wingnut but has merely been playing one on TV, will give the commencement address at Liberty University, Jerry Falwell’s fundamentalist madrassa.

The threat from Sharia

Some of the crazy sh!t people believe and act on is derived from their religious traditions. That doesn’t make it any less crazy. Nor does calling out that craziness instantiate bigotry.

Fundamentalist Muslim parents in rural California, acting on what they understood as a divine commandment according to a book written by a crazy mullah, beat an adopted seven-year-old girl to death and seriously injured one of her step-sisters.

Oh, wait … Not Muslims, you say?

Never mind! After all, they were just carrying out a clear Biblical precept. If you object, you’re probably a secularist bigot like the rest of the liberal RBC crowd.

Footnote Of course this doesn’t implicate all Christians, or even all fundamentalists. But of course that’s the point. Just imagine Pam Geller if this had in fact been a Muslim couple. And the fact that some of the crazy sh!t people believe and act on is derived from their religious traditions doesn’t make it any less crazy, nor does calling out that craziness instantiate bigotry.

Note also that the people who justify discriminating against same-sex couples as adoptive parents would scream bloody murder if someone tried to screen out parents who believe in “Spare the rod and spoil the child.”